What we do

For Grant Funders

  1. Grantmaking Cycle: Offering support to grant funders in their end-to-end grantmaking cycle; in structuring investment/grant Investment Criteria, “Discovery Forms”, Back-end Tracking and reporting, Pipeline Development, Analyzing the Letters of Inquiry, Screening and Due Diligence, and Grant Awards.
  2. Portfolio Support Post-Grant disbursement: including continual engagements with grantees based on the knowledge that grantees are the real (on the ground) experts and have the deep contextual knowledge, ingenuity in stretching resources, and the ability to operate in a manner responsive to local needs. This, therefore, calls for system support on fundraising strategy, scaling strategy, financial sustainability, leadership and board development, organizational capacity, etc
  3. Embedding Grantee-Centric Philanthropy into Grant Processes: Grantee-centric practices create funder interactions that strengthen a grantee’s ability to achieve their outcomes, and address the power imbalance of typical funding relationships. The grantee-centric funder shows understanding and empathy for social entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders. Simply put, it’s philanthropy with humility.
  4. Advisory on Best Practice in the Industry: Continual and evergreen research and report, on best practices to ensure inclusivity, optimal impact and proximate funding such as grant criteria, pipeline selection, scoring, reports, metrics and impact communication, etc.
  5. Fundraising and Resource Mobilization: for sustainability of the funders, as well as, forging funding alliances with other funding organizations (with aligned principles, purpose, and practices to harness intellectual, social, and financial capital to inform, fuel, and accelerate joint initiatives to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems at scale.

For Grant Seekers

  1. Fundraising and Resource Mobilization: Raising philanthropic capital for enterprises (grants and technical Assistance), Research and building a database of funding opportunities consistent with an enterprises’ objectives and strategy, Grant Writing, Developing concept notes and proposals, etc.
  2. Resource Mobilization Strategies: Market Research, Needs assessment, Theory of Change development, Growth Strategy, Process and Capacity development, etc.

For Institutional Capital Investors

  1. Lead Generation and Pipeline Development: Origination of credible pipeline per investment mandate, Pre-analysis, Term Sheet development and negotiation, Due Diligence, etc
  2. Portfolio Advisory: in their pipeline in African markets for investors with no presence in Africa (post-funding).