About Us

Akasha Consulting is a firm providing impact strategy consulting services to businesses and funders operating in emerging markets and related value chains. We work with grant funders in managing their end-to-end Grantmaking Cycle, grant seekers in Fundraising and Resource Mobilization, and with institutional capital investors in Lead Generation and Pipeline Development.


Drive more funding to entities to accelerate their impact.


A world where entities have the resources they need to accelerate their impact to become critical drivers of systems change on the planet.



We approach situations with openness. We seek to understand perspectives besides our own and to learn.


We strive to be transparent in all that we do, to hold ourselves accountable to our values, to recognize when we have misstepped, and to stand for what we believe in.


We recognize and value differences, are aware of how our actions impact others, and treat people with care.

Akasha GrantFinder, our proprietary guide to foundations, charities, corporates and major donors, provides grant seekers with a grant writing head start. Discover new funders, learn their giving priorities and open grant applications across all sectors today.